November 26, 2021


Taking time away as a founder

Hosted by

Craig Hewitt Andy Baldacci
Taking time away as a founder
Seeking Scale
Taking time away as a founder

Nov 26 2021 | 00:23:22


Show Notes

Craig and Andy talk about preparing to take time off as founders of growing businesses. When getting ready for a vacation or holiday, they need to wrap up, hand off, and document responsibilities at work. 

Andy knows he needs to get a lot of little things done before Thanksgiving and going on his honeymoon. Some logistical things will just not get done and have to wait until he returns to the office. But he doesn’t expect to be completely unplugged and will be checking emails. 

Craig has been working on his business and wants to work with SaaS-specific agencies to help with email marketing, content strategy, and other tasks. But it’s not a good time to start something new before taking time off from Christmas to New Years. He plans to be unavailable during that time and trusts his team to figure things out.

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