January 11, 2021


Delegating So We Can Prioritize

Hosted by

Craig Hewitt Andy Baldacci
Delegating So We Can Prioritize
Seeking Scale
Delegating So We Can Prioritize

Jan 11 2021 | 00:36:57


Show Notes

Sea of blue busyness—Craig and Andy talk about trying to get things done before the end of 2020 and the new year begins. Help wanted! 

Craig is hiring a full-time executive assistant via Support Shepherd, an agency that finds top virtual assistants in the Philippines. Why? He needs to delegate to prioritize activities that he no longer wants to do (or should).  

Andy is hesitant to outsource positions to overseas talent due to communication, time zone, and training challenges. It’s about leadership over management. Scale support to generate revenue.

Is hiring overseas talent a worthwhile investment? Depends on the role and responsibilities.  

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