Latest Episodes

July 24, 2023
The Diversification Myth
In this episode of the Seeking Scale podcast, co-hosts Craig and Andy dive deep into the trials and tribulations of entrepreneurship, sharing their insights...

November 14, 2022
Forcing Functions
Craig and Andy begin by talking about the weather and what’s been happening during the past week. Craig says he’s finally feeling recovered from...

November 07, 2022
Metrics Overload and Twitter Drama
Craig and Andy discuss a Twitter interaction that they had. Craig tweeted about wanting a tool that shows trials month-to-date and how it compares...

October 17, 2022
Product 201 - Feature Deep Dives
Andy says he’s feeling a little manic and running on a lot of caffeine. Craig says that things are looking better from where he...

October 10, 2022
Making Decisions With Incomplete Data
Craig says he’s been writing more, including starting a newsletter and working on his personal website. He’s interested in the intrinsic benefits of writing....

October 03, 2022
The Box You're In
Andy talks about the good traction they’ve had recently that’s starting to show now. They just shipped a big update and received a great...