July 18, 2022


Fitness, Finances, and Going Green

Hosted by

Craig Hewitt Andy Baldacci
Fitness, Finances, and Going Green
Seeking Scale
Fitness, Finances, and Going Green

Jul 18 2022 | 00:28:18


Show Notes

Craig and Andy talk about finances. But first, founders need to give themselves permission to do what they want to feel better and guarantee a great start to the workday because too often the afternoon falls apart.

Craig wants to declare that he does not start work until 9 a.m. to drop his kids off at the bus stop and workout despite the little green dot in Slack or email tab in Chrome (refers to Atomic Habits by James Clear). Andy agrees that finding routines, establishing habits, and not making excuses should be a priority. 

Also, Andy and Craig explain their rationale for switching bookkeepers/accountants. Craig is over Bench and going with GrowthLab FInancial, and Andy went back to Pilot because of ongoing problems with handling books and lack of responses to requests.

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