December 11, 2021


OKRs on the Rocks, and Vacation

Hosted by

Craig Hewitt Andy Baldacci
OKRs on the Rocks, and Vacation
Seeking Scale
OKRs on the Rocks, and Vacation

Dec 11 2021 | 00:27:55


Show Notes

Craig and Andy talk about unplugging during vacations and putting objectives and key results (OKRs) on the rocks to manage goals. Their businesses are left in capable hands and they plan to hire even more help.

Andy has returned to the office following his honeymoon. He unplugged for the most part and rarely checked Slack and email. The only issue was an update pushed out that broke the partner integration, but his team successfully resolved it.   

Craig is also taking some time off soon to move back to the United States in time to celebrate the holidays with family. He plans to not work at all and unplug from his business. If something were to go wrong, it would probably be a communication problem or unplanned release.

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